AI Developer for Creating

Revolving the way you manage your data. Automatically create mongodb and APIs from CSV.

No credit card required

Business Owner
Data Scientist
Spindle is powered by OPENAI's GPT-4 through Langchain. We also use MongoDB for your databases.
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Automate Your Database and API with AI

Upload a .csv file and let our AI create a MongoDB, generate API endpoints and host them on the fly.

Easy CSV Upload

Upload your CSV data and our system automatically parses it and creates a Mongoose schema.

Automated MongoDB Creation

We run code in a VM to create a Mongo collection in our database from your CSV, and upload your inputted data into MongoDB.

API Endpoint Generation

We automatically create basic API endpoints with CRUD functionality and host them.

Interactive Dashboard

View your API with the documentation we made in a user-friendly dashboard.

Prompt New Endpoints

Create new endpoints with natural language commands.

Optimized For Developers

Our system intelligently handles all the heavy lifting, so you can focus on what counts.

How To

Steps to create your MongoDB & APIs

Ease through the process of MongoDB database creation and API generation using your CSV files.


Submit your CSV

Simply upload your CSV file. We will parse it and generate a mongoose schema.

  • Supports all types of CSV files.
  • Secure and fast parsing.
  • Automatic mongoose schema generation.

Create your database

The parsed CSV data will be used to create a MongoDB collection in our database.

  • Automatic MongoDB creation from CSV.
  • All data securely established in MongoDB.
  • Instant database creation on our VM.

Generate your APIs

We'll create basic API endpoints with CRUD functionality and host them for you.

  • Automatic API endpoint generation.
  • Built-in CRUD functionality.
  • APIs hosted on our secure VM.
Use Cases

Setup in minutes, no coding necessary

Input a csv. Our AI will generate a MongoDB, API endpoints, and even allow custom endpoint generation through natural language.


Parse CSV

Input a csv to get started. It's that simple!


Generate MongoDB

We auto-generate a MongoDB based on your csv.


Create API Endpoints

We create RESTful API endpoints with full CRUD functionality on your data.


Customize Endpoints

From the dashboard, create custom endpoints using natural language.


Hosted API

Code for endpoints run in a dedicated VM when API calls are made.


Fully Documented

Every API comes with full documentation for ease of use.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions not answered in the FAQ, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A Mongoose schema defines the structure of the document, default values, validators, etc. It is fundamental to managing data in MongoDB through Mongoose.

Once you input a CSV, our AI parses it using GPT and creates a Mongoose schema. We then run code in a Virtual Machine (VM) that creates your MongoDB collection and uploads all your CSV data into it.

Based on the MongoDB collection automatically created from your CSV, we generate RESTful API endpoints with full CRUD operations. These endpoints are hosted, and the code is run in our VM for each API call.

Yes, part of our service allows you to create custom endpoints with natural language. These user-prompted endpoints will be created, documented, and hosted for your convenience.